Dr. Pavlína Honsová shares tips how to work from home

Institut of managementt introduces another lecturer  Dr. Pavlína Honsová and her tips on how to work from home.

Pavlína is a psychologist with an interest in positive psychology, coaching and organizational behaviour. She teaches at the Institute of Management and the Department of Managerial Psychology and Sociology at the University of Economics in Prague, where she received her doctorate. She works as a consultant and lecturer in business practice. She is also engaged in psychological counselling and psychotherapy. She took professional courses at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, and Oxford University in the UK.

In the lecturing activities Pavlína deals with:

  • Managerial and social skills
  • Positive psychology
  • Stress management
  • Psychology of planning and decision-making
  • Time Management
  • Self-coaching
  • Managing emotions
  • Other topics in the field of managerial psychology.

Pavlína has the following recommendations for home office working:

  1. Clearly limit your working hours. If you don’t, you may find out at the end of the day that your work duties have stretched so that they don’t end.
  2. Adjust and observe the rituals. People tend to associate certain activities together. If you’re wearing pyjamas, don’t be surprised if you’re not working well, your brain may not have switched to working mode yet.
  3. Create a space for work. Try to always work in one place. It is ideal to have a constant study room, but if you do not have so much space, at least a small corner is enough, which is reserved exclusively for work.
  4.  Plan. Each morning, create a to-do list that you want to handle during the day and try to estimate time consumption.
  5. Take a break. Make coffee breaks, lunch, and don’t forget to social contact (even over the phone) and movement (even a small stretch may be enough).
  6. If you have young children, forget the points above and improvise :)!

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